Antibiotics Or Natural Health Alternatives?

For our convenience, we always have these handy medicine kits or pill boxes where just pick whatever pill we need at the moment. Pain killers, supplements, energy boosters, and of course, antibiotics! We are always after fast relief and convenience.

But do you know that bacteria and other infectious organisms evolve in so fast a rate compared to human beings that they develop into antibiotic-resistant organisms in so short a time? When we take antibiotic every time we feel discomfort or every time we get sick, we let our bodies depend on outside help to kill the bad bacteria, we’ll let our bodies grow weaker and less efficient that we wouldn’t be able to fight germs on our own anymore. The dependence on antibiotics will also make us take those pills whenever we need them causing immunization to the germs. According to the experts, there will come a time when most of the bacteria would be immune to our medicines that it would be too hard to make medicines that will kill them.

As early as now, we are, therefore advised to make our bodies healthier so that we could fight bad foreign bodies instead of taking pills to kill them. By making our bodies healthier, we hinder bacteria’s chances to evolve themselves into more difficult health enemies. Furthermore, when we get sick, it would be better for us to eat more fruits and vegetables and take some herb antibiotics than buy synthetic antibiotics. Fruits and vegetables and herbs are very rich in nutrients that will make our bodies healthy enough to protect us from diseases. Natural foods and medicines may sound too ancient to us. But, back to the basics, these are the best for us. Nature has its own way of sustaining itself and it has its own special way of healing us. Since natural foods and medicines are purely taken in, they provide not only the specific nutrients we particularly need at a certain time but also what we will need in order to utilize or absorb those main nutrients.

Eye Health Alternative Medication

None of us can deny that eyesight is one of the most precious gifts from above that we all enjoy and tend to take for granted. Healthy eyes and clear vision can only be ours if we take absolutely great care of our eyes.

Thankfully, apart from traditional eye treatments and medicines, there are a number of alternative medicines that we can use to keep those windows to our souls shining nice and bright.

Firstly, did you know that just like the rest of your body, your eyes too can benefit immensely from regular exercise? These exercises can be done anywhere and at any time, and what you will get from doing them regularly are a pair of eyes in great shape — healthy, soothed, and can help you see clearly for a really long time. Do these gentle exercises everyday, especially if you spend long hours working in front of a computer screen.

One of the most popular eye exercises designed to lessen strain on the eyes is to rub your eyes gently till they feel slightly warm. Regular yoga practice can also help keep your eyes and vision healthy. Make sure your diet includes plenty of Vitamin A and herbs.

There are a quite few herbal eye drops available over the counter, designed to keep your eyes relaxed. Placing cool cucumber slices or cold strawberries on your eyes can help erase puffiness, while splashing cold water at regular intervals will have a soothing effect on them. Above all, never touch your eyes with unwashed fingers if you want to avoid catching some kind of an infection.

Alfalfa Sprouts Are A Healthful Alternative

Alfalfa sprouts are not only scrumptious but they are nutritious too and might be added to a variety of dishes for added flavor. You may as well consider using these to begin a vegetable garden from scratch. The truth is that GMO seeds are in great quantity and are confirmed to have detrimental side effects. Select organic to ensure that you’re getting high quality.

Alfalfa sprouts are not only a tasty snack but they are loaded with minerals, important nutrients, proteins, vitamins and anti-oxidants the human body needs to operate properly. The bonus is that alfalfa sprouts are fairly cheap and as they’re live and growing, they preserve their freshness.

Alfalfa sprouts are easy to digest and as they’re living until they are eaten they do not lose their nutritional value as other dried or packaged foods do. Growing your own alfalfa sprouts at home will be sure that they are fresh and more importantly, contain no contaminants from toxic bug sprays.

Seasonal changes require the long-term storage of a lot of our fresh produce, resulting in a reduction of nutrient content as the products age. Other items are shipped over long distances and although they could look good to eat, they have lost some of their dietary value. Home grown produce negates this and is inexpensive, requiring only a wire mesh and a sprouting jar. Twice each day rinsing of the Alfalfa sprouts is all that’s required.

In several days you’ll be able to access a supply of freshly sprouted greens. You need to use organic sprouting seeds from any plant that does not produce poisonous plants. Most greens and herbs are a secure bet. Standard choices for organically sprouted seeds include peas, lentils, alfalfa, radish, fenugreek and mung beans. You may try other less well-known options that include radishes, broccoli, mustard seeds, quinoa and garbanzos.

For a quick reference guide, simply keep in mind to decide on grains that do not have hulls as these will take much longer to sprout. Be selective in your initial purchases and whether you are shopping for seeds or sprouting seeds, be certain that they are organic. You wish to give your self and your family the best quality food supply possible and natural ensures this.

Organic seeds are guaranteed to be pesticide and chemical free and you enormously reduce the danger of exposing yourself to the lethal salmonella bacteria. Salmonella can contaminate products which were exposed to animals or animal waste products. To attenuate this threat, grow and store your sprouting seeds in animal and bird proof storage areas only.

Keeping your Alfalfa sprouts refrigerated after their initial growth phase will keep them fresher for longer. Be sure to keep dried seeds in animal proofed storage areas and you dramatically minimize the risk of bacterial infections. Salmonella can be deadly to the aged, to infants and to individuals with compromised immune systems.

Laughter and Your Health, Alternative Medicine

Alternative medicine: jokes and humor for your health

When thinking about alternative medicine, most people picture plants, crystals, needles, maybe some bugs and leeches, but few realize that jokes, humor and comedy are truly medicines, in their own right. It has long been established that optimists live longer than pessimists, but now there is some hard evidence that people with a better sense of humor also have longer and healthier lives. Your “stay healthy” plan should include a joke and a 20-minute comedy show, to go with the broccoli and carrots.

There are now various associations and physicians specialized in the so-called therapeutic humor, who are still investigating the roles of laughter in our lives. Perhaps the most obvious of these roles is that related to the social life – jokes often allow people to connect and to bond, and sharing a good laughter is a good method to integrate in a team, to get along with the coworkers, neighbors and so on. This function is vital from the point of view of mental health, since it reduces loneliness and, with it, depression and other problems associated with it. You don’t have to be trained in stand-up comedy in order to say something funny, sometimes all you need is a change of perspective or the courage to make fun at your own expense.

Humor is an invaluable asset in crisis situations, when it helps us calm down and reduce the levels of stress (and all the negative effects stress has on health). It is often considered that, among patients with very severe diseases, those with an upbeat approach, who are capable of making jokes about their situations, have the best chances to defeat the illness. So far, there have been no scientific studies to prove this, but the patients themselves report feeling better after joining an activity with humorous potential, even if it’s just watching a comedy show together with some friends or with other patients.

Recent researches suggest that laughter influences more than our mental framework, it actually has a positive effect on the physical aspect as well. It has been widely accepted, for some time, that laughter increases the pain resistance level, but the theory is still not proven. In fact, very few studies have yet been made about the relation between comedy and health, but those existing seem to indicate that a good joke may lower the blood pressure, improve memory and cognitive functions and boost the immune system. Moreover, these results are not short-term only: it seems that a good sense of humor may protect you against heart diseases and alter your biochemical state to a level where the organism produces more antibodies. The lack of research in the field is due to the fact that people have always assumed that laughter is good for your health (along with an apple a day and a breath of fresh air), but little has been done to analyze this in depth.

There is also a “bad” humor (same as there is good cholesterol and bad cholesterol). This category includes the approach that makes people feel miserable about themselves, or angry, upset and vengeful, as well as the skeptic and cynic attitude, which is often the front for deep depression and indifference. Jokes directed at other people are also “bad” humor, along with ethnic, racial and sexist jokes, which are born out of frustration, not out of optimism and cheerfulness. Also, people who often make fun of themselves hide a low self esteem, which is only worsened with every funny joke they invent (there is a good reason why clowns and successful comedy actors are often perceived as sad and depressed in their real lives).

If you decide to use laughter as a therapeutic method, the first obvious issue is that there are no harmful side effects, and you’ve got nothing to lose. The second issue is that you can actually improve your sense of humor in time, same as any other skill or ability, by constant training and exposure to jokes and comedy. Next time you go to the movies, buy a ticket for a comedy, no matter how dumb the poster looks. When you read the paper, don’t forget to check out their daily cartoon too. Spend ten minutes every day reading jokes, and, when you find some you like, share them with your friends. (And when your boss catches you reading jokes instead of working, tell him it’s just therapy, he can’t stop your from taking your medication at work, right?) Last but not least, try to find the funny side of the small things that happen every day around you – there is always something absurd or plain stupid going on right near you, which may provide five minutes of good laugher, which, in turn, may unblock some arteries and keep the heart attack far away.

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